Thursday, February 21, 2013

Best 15 Photos from Quarter 2

Photo's by Andreas Gursky

One photographer who I admire is Andreas Gursky, a German photographer that used to be an architect. He takes photos with a large frame and format that depicts the size and value of his criteria. Because of the format and points of views of the photos that he takes, it creates and shows the emphasis of size of his photos from his vantage points. I like his photographs because of all the different dynamics apparent in the photo, showing different scenes and details that would not be available from another view. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My three best images from 1st quarter

This was a photo taken outside of the Portland Art Museum. I liked the variety of colors that was prevalent in the photo, along with the shadows from the trees.

This was a photo I took outside of the Portland Art Museum of a sculpture. I liked how there was emphasis on the base and the star on the sculpture, but also the blue windows and sky.

This was originally a photo of a staircase that I took by Washington Park after a rainy day. I then changed and rotated the photos to become four different photos to create a grid. I liked how there was a dark texture and mood to the picture, and how it lead your eye in to the middle. I also liked the shadows that were apparent from the stairs.